The View from These United States
2 Mar
The weekly babbling brook of consciousness — music, videos, writings, projects, and people — that keep TUS tapping out tunes of their own.
This week, Justin shares a song before and after it makes its journey through different incarnations.

Justin, J. Tom, and Jesse
Last week we sent out the first track on our new s/t album. If you didn’t download your free copy click here to do so. For those of you that have listened (thank you) we thought you might find this interesting…
All of the tunes on this new record have gone through many incarnations and seen a lot of miles, literally. This song’s journey from demo to album version started in DC (TX? IL? Ontario?… can’t remember, you’ll have to ask Jesse someday… ) and ended up back in KY at Shangri-la, our home away from home. Here’s a quick example of how a song can travel.
Check out Dead & Gone – Mashed

producer Duane Lundy
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