The View from These United States – SXSW Edition!
21 Mar
The weekly babbling brook of consciousness — music, videos, writings, projects, and people — that keep TUS tapping out tunes of their own.
This week, J. Tom recounts SXSW madness!
It’s impossible to sum up SXSW. It’s too big, too crazy, too varied. While TUS didn’t perform this year, I was lucky enough to be in Austin with the Mynabirds, old friends who I’ve been touring with. Here, then, are a few pics of my experience at SXSW 2012. (If I’m in the pic, Sarah Law took it.)

Rebecca Marie Miller performing at a Day Party. One of the amazing things about SXSW is that with so many incredible musicians around, there's bound to be some collaboration. I recruited Mynabirds drummer Nicole Childrey and lap steel ace Joe Novelli to sit in for Rebecca's set.

There is a lot of free food and booze during SXSW. You just have to know where to find it (in this case, around the side of the building)

Hanging with Justin Craig at a Day Party.

The Mynabirds performing a day show at Jackalope. Its difficult to see exactly how cramped on stage we are...but we are. The rough-and-tumble vibe is what makes shows at SXSW interesting.

This is what 6th street looks like in the evening. Imagine having to carry your gear through this...multiple times.

10 people in our van. "Sure, its only a few blocks...hop on in."

A rare quiet moment to catch up with Jesse.

the Mynabirds Saddle Creek Showcase. A packed show at Lamberts with Icky Blossoms and Big Harp. Despite the lateness, the chaos, the heat, and the noise, you have to try to make every single show count. Because ultimately, that's why we're all there...the music.
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